Boy Guru

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Adult Maharaji

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Presented by
ex-followers of Prem Rawat, a.k.a. Maharaji,
The ex-"Lord of the Universe"

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"The chances are you've never seen the other side of me. You've seen the event side of me when I'm on stage. But there is another side of me. If you evoke that side, you won't like it. It's a nasty side. You don't want to see that side. You're not missing anything by not seeing it." - Prem Rawat, Arundel England, 23rd July 1999.

Webmaster's note (2009). Welcome to the ex-premie website, the first comprehensive information resource on the internet covering Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, and his work. The primary purpose of this website is to provide information to current and prospective followers of Prem Rawat, that is not made available on his official sites.

This website has been in existence since 1997. Since I took over in 2001, the home page has included a request for Prem Rawat or Elan Vital to correct any inaccuracies on this site. They have yet to do so. Elan Vital did claim copyright on quotes by Prem Rawat in which he likened himself to Jesus, and pictures of Mr. Rawat dressed as Krishna, but so far they have made no attempt to rebut any of the first-hand testimonies published on this site. Personally, I think it is obvious that Rawat has nothing to offer except lifetime dependence on him, and is grossly incompetent at communicating what he does claim to offer. Even though he specifically instructs his followers to attend his speaking engagements when possible, the numbers attending go down each year (to premies - look around you, where are all the new people?). For people who have recently heard about Rawat, he does not have any secret wisdom, nor a way to achieve peace. All he teaches are four ways to meditate, and 70 hours of videos of him speaking to make you think you need him. You don't.

After being responsible for this site since 2001, I actually have very little interest in updating it. I value this site, and will do what it takes to keep it available for new readers, but it, and Maharaji, play a very small role in my life. I welcome, and will add, new Journeys, as and when former followers tell their stories, and when more of those former followers who were close to Rawat finally have the courage to share what they know (you know who you are!), then I will feature them alongside Mishler, Dettmers, Donner, Finch and others.

Speaking of Mike Finch, his recently published book about his experiences as a follower of Rawat and his time since, entitled 'Without the Guru', is recommended for anyone who wants to uncover the truth about Prem Rawat.

Without the Guru

Prem Rawat - The Person
Testimonies of those with first hand experience of Prem Rawat, including those who ran his organisations.

An Open Letter to Current Followers of Prem Rawat
Summary of the major grievances of Maharaji's former followers.

An Open Letter to Maharaji
After 30 years as a loyal student of Prem Rawat, Mike Finch has written this letter to his former teacher.

Prem Rawat - His Wealth

Admire Rawat's house and read about his wealth, and
one way he 'earns' it.

NEW! - Videos featuring Prem Rawat
An anthology of videos from 1973 to the present day, where the star, as always, is Prem Rawat

The Elan Vital/DLM Gallery
Now hosted on this site - Scans of original Divine Light Mission/Elan Vital publications.

Harboring a Paedophile
Mahatma Jagdeo, one of Prem Rawat's closest lieutenants, raped and abused children of Prem Rawat's followers.

Since this site was created, several other sites with similar purposes have been independently created. Here are a few that are recommended:- - Contains commentary on promotional activities of Prem Rawat's supporters and organisations. - An incredibly detailed and well researched study of Rawat's life. - Includes original audio and video files from the period when Rawat demanded devotion from his followers. - Mike Finch's website which includes a section on Prem Rawat with some excellent articles by Mike.

Those unfamiliar with the history of Prem Rawat, and some of the terms we use here, are recommended to read this introduction, and the links from that page.

While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the content of this site; which is based on first hand accounts (usually corroborated), Elan Vital/Divine Light Mission/DUO publications, and other sources; we are grateful for any factual corrections.

The significant information on this site, including the personal stories of former followers from the Journeys section, is now available as a dowloadable book in Word format. Download here, and distribute freely!

Corrections, comments, criticisms and thanks are all welcome, and should be sent to the webmaster, John Brauns, at

So, once again, welcome!

Support this site!

Press and Media
For any Press and Media enquiries, please write to John Brauns, the webmaster of this site, at

Prem Rawat in the Press
Compare the newspaper articles about Prem Rawat listed on this site, with those listed on the Prem Rawat Foundation site.

The DLM/EV Papers
Former Elan Vital instructor, the late Jean-Michel Kahn's excellent website is now hosted here. Including
The True Spiritual Heritage of Prempal Rawat.

Is Prem Rawat the Leader of a Cult?
Current followers have argued that Prem Rawat is not the leader of a cult. All cult experts and former followers say he is.

An open letter to Dr. Ron Geaves
Dr. Geaves' contribution to the Visions International video, 'Passages, A Master's Journey' is a good example of Elan Vital revisionism.

Attempts to silence Prem Rawat's critics
Including attempts to shut down this website. (Under Construction)

Prem Rawat responds to his critics
Finally acknowledging we exist, Prem Rawat describes his critics as matches that didn't light!

This is Rawat's house - can anyone think of an explanation as to why someone who supposedly has dedicated his life to bringling peace needs such a house? - notice the two floor garage with 5 double doors on the lower floor, the tennis court, and the swimming pool. There are only two explanations possible - one is that he is God in human form, and deserves the best (that is the explanation his devoted followers believe in), and the other is that he is a fraud, and just loves the adulation and the wealth. By the way, Rawat has never had a regular job to earn a single penny of what this house, and all his other houses, have cost.
Rawat's home

Personal accounts of ex-followers of Prem Rawat.

White Pages
Discontinued April 2023

Best of the Forums
Some of the best discussions from the on-line forums.

Forum Archives
Archives of the earlier on-line forums.

Questions for Maharaji
Pity he doesn't answer questions - the answers would be interesting.

An introduction for those not familiar with the Prem Rawat phenomenon.

Why don't we "Move on"?
The short answer is:- Most have!

Site Policy
This site exists to provide information only.

This site is maintained by unpaid volunteers. Anyone who wants to contribute towards the running costs of the websites, please click here:-

If you have a UK bank account, you can pay directly - write to the webmaster via the 'Feedback' link below. Paypal is the cheapest, and most secure, way for non-UK residents to donate, but they require that you register first. Anyone unwilling to use PayPal should write to the webmaster for alternative options.

Many thanks to those who have already helped.

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