Come on now Kelli, be fair
Re: I've heard him talk about taking action -- Kelli Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: Jethro ®
02/27/2003, 13:14:19


He certainly did take action as any Perfect Master would...............well almost.....I can think many manty instances.

He did once tell us how he saw this poor newspaper vendorand was going to buy up all of the newspapers, but decided not to as it would give the vendor the false hope that someone would do it next day too.   such compasion that only He could have.

And then there was that time in Sigapore(or Kuala Lumpur) when He went out for a walk and saw this child in the street.who only had a shirt and was obviously very poor. He would have helped but you see this child was playing with a metal hoop and M saw how much pleasure the child got from it....and once again with all His compassion did not do anything to help the child.

As for giving to premies, I distinctly rememeber in the Fontablue Hotel Miami, that we ALL got at least half a chocolate from Him.......real prasad.

Such a Master there has never been!




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