Jagdeo |
Tues, Jun 20, 2000 at 15:35:50 (GMT) Same here. I found the ex-premie & JM's site while I was still a premie and absolutely loved it for the same reasons you did. After becoming an ex-premie the site became valuable for the aspirants I was meeting in recent years who were told that all that early stuff didn't happen. Fortunately films/videos of that era still exist. 'I have no information about this. Shouldn't the ones accused answer the allegations? I would hope that Maharaji would not tolerate even the appearance of this kind of behavior among the instructors.' Well, he did and does know about it and has done nothing. I met up with a premie who is/was on Elan Vital's investigating committee about Jagdeo. This person told me that at first he thought it was setup by ex-premies, but when he saw reports(from sides of the Atlantic) describing Jagdeos 'activities', he saw that reports were describing identical behaviour and believes that Jagdeo is 'into it up to his neck'. You can check this out with Elan Vital and if they deny it, I will publish the name of that premie. I don't want to do this, I would like him to speak up of his own accord(he is a long term friend of mine). He did say he may particpate on this forum, but has not as far as I know. If you're reading this, old friend, you are leaving me no other choice. I am convinced that you would be a good participant here. My own opinion is that the only reason why you haven't posted here is that maharaji doesn't want you to.If that is the reason I suggest you get over that. Anyway Sean please check it out with ElanVital and let us know what they say. Regards Jethro |
Tues, Jun 20, 2000 at 16:02:30 (GMT) But what of this committee? Where's the report and is it anything like Ivette or Janice's reports on ELK? You know, 'We really had a beautiful experience coming together in the harmony of this investigation. Maharaji showed each one of us that clarity can come in even the seediest circumstances. At first, we thought Jagdeo's trangressions were isolated and perhaps untrue. But we soon discovered that he had touched so many in exactly the same way all around the world!.... So where IS this report? AND, most significantly, what does it say about Susan's 'claim' (as if I doubt her for a second) that Maharaji must have known for years based on her two communications with PAM / Instructors? LISTEN, MAHARAJI, YOU COWARD: AT A VERY MINIMUM, IF YOU'VE DONE THAT INVESTIGATION YOU'VE DONE IT ONLY BECAUSE OF THE DIFFICULT DISCLOSURE OF SUSAN AND ABI. I DON'T KNOW IF YOU CNA COMPREHEND BASIC HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY BUT PERHAPS YOUR HANDLER / LACKIES CAN EXPLAIN IT TO YOU. YOU OWE THAT REPORT TO SUSAN AND ABI AND ALL THE REST OF US WHO FORCED YOU TO INVESTIGATE IN THE FIRST PLACE. WHERE IS IT? |