I am soooo embarrassed . . .
Re: Re: Love this line.... -- Hilltop Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: Joy ®
04/16/2003, 05:55:08

. . . that I personally helped perpetrate this nonsense. I remember typesetting and laying out that publication, and also picking out that quote from the transcribed satsang (which I think I did also). That photo and quote are from a small private satsang he held on his tennis court in Malibu for a select few (how I got there, I don't know, since I wasn't normally in the select few). I remember the hush and awe as he said it, you could've sliced the air with a feather. It was at the height of my devotional period, I just thought he looked so beautiful that day and I was so in love with him as God-in-Person. Little did I know he was rolling around in bed at night with blondes who weren't his wife, cognac in one hand and cigarette in the other. That might've burst the bubble somewhat!

How did we ever believe it? Seems so absurd now . . .

Modified by Joy at Wed, Apr 16, 2003, 06:16:32

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