Posted by: LJT ®
04/20/2003, 23:12:33
Thanks for that interesting observation in Miami as it reminded me of the treatment the premies give people like the lady you sat next to. Most people can't imagine the sort of misery and degradation that some people fall into and if by ill luck they wander into a Maharaji event the usual response of the elan vital people is one of ignore and hope the person goes away or to quickly evict them from the premises. Who knows how many premies have fallen into this condition and to be honest Maharaji and his servants do not give a damn. It is a sad reflection on a group of people who consider themselves in touch with God within that this so called love they keep going on about does not get applied to real people, people in the past they might have even called a brother or sister. This whole organization is riven with such pure selfishness that it beggars belief how they can ever consider themselves seeking a loving God. Maharaji is so full of his selfish little Indian game that has been played out in India for centuries. best wishes anyhow and look out for the premie ideologues.Better still tell them to f..k off.