This is important: How did they find out it was you?
Re: Re: Previous posts? Now I'm intrigued. -- fluster Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: Joe ®
04/21/2003, 19:58:14


One big point here is how did they find out you posted on EPO?  Did you ever use your own name?   What do you mean they got your name from a list of names posted on  What list?

 From what I understand, EV monitors this forum extensively, and from what I understand they have (perhaps illegal) means of finding out who people are who post anonymously.  I know this from a couple of anecdotal reports.  Premies who never have posted here using their own names, were confronted when attempting to get into a cult event because they had posted here, and they may have been critical of Maharaji.  Of course, one of the definitions of a cult is that criticism of the cult leader is not allowed, and Elan Vital just demonstrates it's a cult in spades if it excludes people for expressing an opinion not sufficiently positive of the cult leader.

So,  someone called you at home before you went to the event?  What, specifically, did they ask you?  Did you ask them WHY it was any of their business who you associate with, talk to or what your opinions happen to be?

This is not just some simple, harmless cult.  They are truly paranoid.  It comes from the top, I think.

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