Pascal's Wager? That's not like Portnoy's Complaint is it? | ![]() | ||
Re: ***BEST OF FORUM*** -- JimH | Post Reply | Top of thread | Forum |
Posted by: cq ® 07/18/2003, 18:24:10 Edit |
Thanks for introducing me to Pascal's Wager, Jim. Seems though that I had an existential encounter with it years before even hearing about it. Let's see if I've got the gist of what it means: There are two posibilities: If there is a God, He will reward your belief in Him (and JC?), and punish your unbelief (and how! - those guys with the pitchforks don't mess about - you keep roasting for all eternity). If there is NO God, there's neither the chance of reward OR risk of punishment. Therefore nothing has been gained, but nothing has been lost. Consequently: It's better to have the chance of reward by believing than to risk torment by not believing. The premie version of Pascal's wager is similar in that, if Maharaji is "God" then the same consequences apply to their belief in him. However, if he's not God, then there's a big difference - the "real" God would view them as apostate, with all the consequences that entails ... ~~~~~~~
And now for a little light relief:
Jehovah Witness: Let us in and we'll tell you why shit happens. Rastafarianism: Let's smoke this shit. Hare Krishna: Shit Happens Shit Happens Shit Shit Happens Happens Shit Happens Rama Rama.
<imgsrc=""> ![]() Modified by cq at Fri, Jul 18, 2003, 18:30:17 |
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