Guru Maharaji reflects on the need of being "The Perfect Master" and why
people should be devoted to Him.
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Published by Divine Light Mission - PMT (Perfect Master Tapes) No. 171
Guru Maharaji speaking in Miami, Fla, Jan. 16th, 1981.

Question on devotion and other answers.
"Light Reading" Vol.1 No.1 Spring 1978
Maharaj Ji, what is devotion?
- Devotion is the flow of love from a devotee to his Lord, and darshan is seeing
the Lord's physical form.
Guru Maharaj Ji, are you permanently in God consciousness?
- Yes, I am permanently in God consciousness.
February 1972, London
Guru Maharaj Ji, what do you mean about the mind being evil?
This mind is jiggling around trying to find out that perfectness. It is
inquiring, trying to investigate the perfectness, which is impossible. To the
mind, God is a perfect criminal. He has done such a perfect crime by creating
this world in such a way that mind cannot trace how He did it. That's why mind
always freaks out about God.
But then, there are again two parts: one is that freaky part of ourselves
which is freaking us right out, and the other part is our brains which we all
use, which we don't want to ignore. The brain is a presentation from God to us
which is like a little computer we have - our camera, tape recorder and
everything. That's how simple it is.
September 1973, Los Angeles
Will this Knowledge change a person's religion?
- People may think that I want to change their religion from Christian to Hindu,
but they will be surprised to know that I myself am not a Hindu. I am not a
Hindu. I am not a Christian. I am not a Sikh. Then who am I? I believe in one
reality and that is the pure religion. Religion as a word started from the word
realization and the realization of God is the pure and perfect religion.
November 1971, London
Guru Maharaj Ji, what about the lifestyle you lead?
Don't feel anything about it. What I am, I am. What I have to offer is something
else. Accept what I have to offer, not what I am or who I am. However I live,
whatever I do, it's up to me. I would like to teach you something. Not my
lifestyle, but something more important. So learn that, accept that. And that's
September 1976, Denver
What kind of experience can one have meditating on this Knowledge?
- In this Knowledge you get to a point where you open your eyes, and you see
nothing except Light. Like, I mean if you even look at bright lights, they don't
even exist - all you see is a Light. All you hear is Music, all you can feel is
the Word vibrating, all you can really drink is the Nectar at that time. And
it's so beautiful. Because that whole energy that is in our body just comes
together completely, just fills us up - and there we are, just so beautiful.
This is what we all want to achieve, this is all we want to get. And I'll
tell you something - it's not very difficult at all. As a matter of fact, it's
one of the most easiest things you can do. It's easier than driving a car; it's
easier than to pick a flower, it's easier than tying a tie, it's easier than any
of these things. It's the easiest thing.
But to get to the point, we need one thing, and really bad; and that's the
May 1974, Denver