Sunday Mirror, November 1972
14, takes all
Jill Robertson

by jet for a fat-faced 'God'
350 British disciples of a fourteen-year-old Indian "god,"
Guru Maharaj Ji, leave London on an astonishing jet age
pilgrimage to Delhi.
On Friday a similar load left by BOAC jumbo jet to join the
shindig for this fat-faced youth whose followers believe he
is an incarnation of God on earth.
I have seen British teenagers prostrate themselves in the
wake of the guru and kiss the silk cushion where his feet
have rested.
have found out a lot of other curious things about the
Divine Light Mission, which is what the guru's movement is
- The
guru travels around grandly in Rolls-Royces and private
- His
really devoted followers give all their earnings to the
movement and live on bare necessities.
- These
followers also renounce all sex - and husbands and wives
have been voluntarily parted because of their
Divine Light Mission is registered as a charity in Britain -
which gives it considerable income tax benefits.
The guru's followers who have scraped together the £150
fare to go on the pilgrimage, do not appear to question the
splendour which their adoration gives him.
He has a Rolls-Royce for his use in Britain and a "divine
residence" in Highgate, London, worth £50,000.
He has a cook on duty twenty-four hours a day when in
Britain in case he becomes hungry in the middle of the
The cooks, like all Guru Maharaj Ji's ' personal
attendants, labour for no wages.
Guru Maharaj Ji, son of an Indian holy man has made only
three short visits to Britain since his first call last

Glen Whittaker ... he runs
Guru's mission in Britain.
it is claimed that in that time his converts have grown from
500 to 6,000.
In America, his devotees are said to number 50,000 and the
world total is estimated at more than six million.
The slogan of the child guru is: "Give me your love, and I
give you peace."
Those who don't are damned, explained the general secretary
of the English mission, 29-year-old Oxford graduate Glen
Mr. Whittaker, the son of a travel agent in Southport,
Lancs., runs the mission in Britain with great
This cash-hungry mission has already inspired more than 300
followers in Britain to hand over their unopened
wage-packets to divine headquarters.
sever contacts with their past lives and give up sex, meat,
money, drinking, smoking, TV, cinema, marriage and worldly
activities to live in "ashrams" - residential churches.
Suburban flats and houses have been turned into monastery -
like communes in Belfast, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol,
Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Leeds, Leicester,
Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, Oxford and districts of
The ashrams not only propagate "the knowledge" but
provide the mission with an estimated regular income of at
least £4,000 a week.
All members of the ashrams, except the housemother, who
works as full-time unpaid housekeeper have to continue their
normal jobs and hand their weekly wages over to the
Glen Whittaker said: "Followers in ashrams must give one
hundred per cent service to Guru Maharaj Ji. That's why
married couples can't join ashrams."
John Lindus and his wife, Emma, have given up married life
to work for Guru Maharaj Ji.
They are still very much in love, but no longer live
together or have sexual intercourse.
Emma insists she does not miss the physical relationship
with her husband.
"You have to decide whether you want babies or truth", she
In two ashrams I visited I saw dormitories where followers
sleep on the floor.
One was the Achnacloich ashram, Inverness-shire, an isolated
farmhouse which has been handed over to the Divine Light
Mission by jute heir Andy Cox, 27, an Old Etonian.
The financial set-up of the Achnacloich ashram was explained
by the secretary at that time, Mr. John Dewhurst.
"Eight of us are working," he said. "Jobs are hard to come
by here, so most of us do timber contracting work. The two
housemothers don't have jobs.
"I suppose we send between £150 and £200 a week
to headquarters in London.
"They send us back £40 a week for the ten of us to live
told Glen Whittaker that I thought it paradoxical that a boy
should not only live in such style, but should be exempt
from the structures that are imposed on followers.
Whittaker replied: "They have the wages of happiness and
Luxuries are lavished on the boy guru.
The 1970 model Silver Shadow Rolls-Royce bought for him on
September 9 for nearly £10,000, isn't good enough. Next
August Divine Light Mission in London will take delivery of
a gold-coloured £13,000 1973 Rolls-Royce.
"We like to get him the very best," Glen Whittaker
explained. "We understand that he is our Lord.
"It's the same as Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the
There were plans to buy the guru a Piper Comanche out of
charity funds. But he didn't like it.
"He found it a bit noisy." I was told.
Now plans have been changed to buy him a twenty-seater
Money is what Divine Light needs.
At a meeting at Chelsea town hall I heard one of the guru's
mahatmas plead with an audience of over a thousand: "Spend
money and you become attached to earthly things - give it to
Divine Light and he will spread the