marries, the "Holy Family" breaks up

In May of 1974, at age 16, Maharaji alienated
his family members by marrying Marolyn
Johnson, a California airline stewardess nine
years his senior. The marriage plans had been kept
secret from most of the premies, and the wedding
was only announced after it occurred. Wedding
presents included a 25 ft. cabin cruiser and a
Marolyn was given the title "Durga Ji" (the
name of an Indian goddess) by her new husband. She
and Maharaji appeared in side-by-side thrones in a
program in July in Amherst, Massachusetts. This
proved to be too much for Maharaji's mother, Mata
Ji, who subsequently disowned her own son and
declared her oldest son, Bal Bhagwan Ji, to be the
true perfect master.
Maharaji and his
new bride.
Many believe Maharaji married at such a young age
primarily for immigration purposes. Because of his marriage,
he was able to stay in the U.S. and become a U.S. citizen.
This further weakened the influence his mother and older
brother had on him.
After Maharaji's marriage, mother Mata Ji returned to India
with his brothers Bal Bhagwan Ji and Bhole Ji, and set about
having her eldest son, Bal Bhagwan Ji, legally crowned as
head of DLM in India.

While they eventually won their court battle,
Bal Bhagwan Ji put aside the guru business
temporarily and entered Indian politics. He has
recently reappeared as Satpal
Maharaj - a guru who also reveals Knowledge.
Satpal has given programs in the UK and US, as well
as other countries. Brother Raja Ji, remains loyal
to Maharaji, but brother Bhole Ji is a follower of
Bal Bhagwan Ji
seated at left, below little brother Maharaji in
the early 1970's
Most of Maharaji's Indian mahatmas were fired or went
back to India with Maharaji's mother because they did not
understand the changes. At this time, there was little left
of Maharaji's following in India other than a few fanatic
premies and mahatmas.
During this same period, funds were raised to buy Maharaji a
palatial home overlooking the ocean in Malibu, California.
The Active Membership Program (AMP) was set up
to provide more donations. Premies who did not live in the
ashram were encouraged to participate in AMP by donating 10%
of their income to DLM, and many premies did so.
