Guru's Secret "Divine Light"
Religious Techniques Exposed
God is more than just a gig. In the last issue of the Fifth
Estate, an article entitled "Divine Knowledge: Big Profit,"
detailed the enormous financial structure of the newest of
religious movements to hit the American scene: The Divine
Light Mission, spearheaded by the 15 year-old Guru Maharaj
Ji and his elite, upper-class family from
Divine Organization owns an airline, operates a school,
backs a dance ensemble and a few bands, owns and operates
Divine Sales, a chain of retail stores, operates a chain of
food stores, backs a theatre organization, owns a wholesale
electronics firm, owns an office supply company, produces
musical instruments, owns and operates a scab remodeling
company, owns and operates a landscaping company and owns an
engineering firm.
most religions, the Divine Light Mission offers a quick,
short-cut procedure for copping the grace of God. With this
religion, you need not memorize any holy scripture, there
are no "confessions," baptisms, bar-mitzvahs or bowing to
the East. To become a child of God/Guru, all that's required
is to spend some six hours receiving what is called "Divine
Knowledge" from a mahatma, the Guru's elite disciple. The
"Knowledge" consists simply of four techniques or exercises
and a propensity on the part of the "receiver" to believe
that these techniques will put him in direct touch with
Divine Light Mission claims a following of 5 to 6 million
worshippers around the world. Although the figure is
probably 10% of that amount, even that large a following is
impressive when considering that the organizing effort is a
scant two years old.
success of the DLM can be traced to the Divine Knowledge
speed course in getting religion. Today's pace of society
makes it infeasible to expect masses of people to spend
their lives chanting mantras, doing yoga exercises,
memorizing the books of the Bible. The techniques for
"receiving Divine knowledge" and keeping it are simple to
learn and can be practiced without interfering with the
survival chores of the day.
four techniques are labeled as "Divine Light," the "Divine
Word," the "Divine Music," and the "Divine Nectar."
Experiencing these four sensations are the key to realizing
the "God" within yourself, as explained by the Divine Light
thousands of words have been written about the Guru Maharaj
Ji and his Divine Light Mission, nowhere has there appeared
a description of this "Divine Knowledge" and the "White
Light" which is pandered by the organization. Although there
are hundreds of thousands of Guru followers, the Knowledge
techniques are a well-kept secret. You are told before and
after you receive this knowledge, that you will be
reincarnated as an ant or a unicellular organism if you
reveal to any heathen the secrets of the
after the news of our reporter, Pat Halley, getting his
skull split open by Guru devotees, the Fifth Estate received
a call from an old friend who had explained that she had
received the Knowledge from the organization almost two
years ago during the group's early efforts in Denver,
don't want to be identified," stressed our friendly
informant, "I don't want my head crushed in by
our assurances of confidentiality, the informant went on to
describe the incredible and sometimes repugnant techniques
for receiving the secret Divine Light Knowledge. These
methods are most difficult to describe because they are so
simple, if not stupid, that it might appear as if I were
making them up. How, I asked the informant after learning of
the techniques, could anyone accept this ruse for
approaching "God", to the point of giving up their labors,
"soul," and sex life to the Guru Maharaj Ji? ,
brainwash you," revealed our 24-year-old informant whom
we'll refer to as Amy, "then they elaborately lay these
techniques on your head-they mind-fuck you."
an interview with the Fifth Estate, Amy laid out the details
of the four techniques:
Light: "It involves pressing on your eyes. The retinas
in your eyes are sensitive to light and they're also
sensitive to pressure. And when you apply pressure to the
outer areas of your eyes, it causes the nerve cells in your
eyes to fire and stimulate your occipital cortex (visual
area of the brain.) You get the sensation that your head is
flooded with light."
Music: "The mahatma directs you to sit with your thumbs
in your ears and your elbows propped up on a wooden board
called a braggan. They tell you to concentrate on one of
your ears. You begin to hear sounds. Your body makes subtle
little noises, your heart and your blood swishing around-it
makes noise and that's what you hear. You have to do it in a
really quiet room. Your powers of concentration increase
with practice of the techniques. It's really a trip; your
body's out-of-sight, it makes all these far-out noises and
you can really get into it. They tell you it's Holy Noise,
but it's just your body."
Word: "That's the best one of all. It's basically a Zen
Buddhist technique where you concentrate on your
breathing-you just follow it in and out. Normally, your mind
just wanders about and thinks about a lot of stuff-sometimes
you can't relax if you're worrying. If you can discipline
your mind into an hypnotic-like routine like expansions and
contractions of your lungs it can allow you to relax. So the
Divine Word is the sound your breath makes. They say that
what you hear is the Word of God within you.. They have this
interpretation from the Bible which says in Genesis that "In
the beginning was the word. And the word was 'God.' The
exercise can mellow you out."
Nectar: "It's really gross. In the back of your mouth
there's a little piece of tissue that hangs down from the
roof-it's called the uvula. When your nasal passages drain,
mucus drips down from

back of your nose and sometimes it collects on that. The
technique is to curl back your tongue against the roof of
your mouth and get the tip to touch the uvula. They tell you
that what you taste is Divine Nectar."
Estate: "In other words, Divine Nectar is nothing more
than post-nasal drip."
"Right. But to do it effectively you have to stretch the
tendon that connects the tongue to the bottom mouth. It
takes about a year of practice to really get it."
"It seems dangerous. You could swallow your
"True. Also, most doctors would tell you chat pressing on
your eyes to get this artificial Divine Light could sever
your retina."
"And that's all of it?"
"It's really a mind-fuck thing. Before you get the Knowledge
they talk to you for hours a to try to set up a mysterious
mystical atmosphere and make you receptive. It's
brainwashing and hypnotism; but the subjects have to be
somewhat suggestible and disposed towards things like
religion and superstitions."
"After you received this Knowledge, were you blissed-out -
in a heavenly state of mind?"
"No, I guess it's because I know a little more physiology
and psychology than most people. [Amy attends medical
school.] Besides, as soon as I went out on the streets,
all the things that were wrong with the world still existed.
Everything was the same.
Len Schafer.