Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
Eternal is
Eternal is His Knowledge
Published by Divine Light Mission,
B-19/3, Shakti Nagar, Delhi 7, India - 1970
1st edition - 20,000 copies
8th November, 1970
Price Rs. 3.00
Printed at Albion Press, Delhi 6.
Shri Hans Ji Maharaj was Prempal & Satpal
Rawat's father.
The original book's cover
Editor's Note
Shri Maharaji's Picture
Panoramic View of Shri Maharaji's Life and
Founding of the
The Problem of
Peace and Divine Light Mission - An Answer
Shri Hans Ji
Maharaj and Prevailing Religious Sects
As I Saw
Shri Hans Ji Maharaj -
A Divine Personality
Yogiraj Param Sant
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
Shri Maharaj Ji on the
The Essence
of the Gita Extracted by Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
Sayings of Shri Hans Ji
Shri Sant Ji Maharaj's
(Page vii-viii)
The Divine Light Mission owes its birth and growth to
its founder, the late Shri Hans Ji Maharaj whose birthday
is celebrated on November 8, 9, and 10 every year under
the auspices of the Mission. It is with the grace of our
Satgurudev, Shri Sant Ji Maharaj and our patron Shri
Jagat Janani Mataji that the governing body of Divine
Light Mission resolved to bring out a commemoration
volume not only to perpetuate the memory of Shri Hans Ji
Maharaj but to enlighten the masses with his teachings
which are the core of all religions and their
Shri Hans Ji Maharaj was a beacon showing the path of
light to lakhs of people in India and was worshipped by
them as their Satguru. He was an ideal saint, but more
than that he was the perfect karma yogi.
The members of the Divine Light Mission are indebted to
him for imparting the knowledge of Divine Light and Sabad
Brahm. The message of Shri Maharaj Ji has a special
significance in the modern context, for without this
knowledge of the true self of man there cannot be any
possibility of peace on this earth. It is not until man
finds his divinity and shines in the glow of the inner
light that love will reign and mankind be truly united.
Guru Maharaj Ji showed us that the responsibility for a
fundamental change in this hate striven world lies with
the individual, for unless we kill the hatred and the war
within us there shall never be an end of strife without.
The knowledge of the Divine Light and Name of God shows
man the practical path to the kingdom of heaven where man
shall not lift sword against man, neither shall he know
war anymore.
We, the members of Divine Light Mission, pay our homage
to our Satgurudev by bringing out this commemoration
volume in his honor as the best possible monument
depicting his life and teachings.
It is truly beyond the total comprehension of the human
being to understand the fullness of the Satguru. Guru
reveals himself to the disciple in proportion to the
devotion an love of the devotee. We stand in awe of the
greatness and glory of the Satguru who has shown us the
wonders of the life divine. We have had glimpses of his
greatness but the spiritual glory that lay within Maharaj
Ji was of such magnitude that more words are unable to
express it. His religion was realisation, and that
experience cannot be communicated in words.
It is only to express the reverence and devotion that we
feel for our beloved Satguru that we now present this
commemoration volume before the public in the hopes that
it may enlighten them on to the path shown by Maharaj
For Maharaj Ji often used to stress that in working for
the good of others our own good is attained and that the
highest philanthropy to mankind is to propagate the
divine message to others in the heartfelt hope that they
might benefit by it.
We place this volume before the lotus feet of Satgurudev
in our earnest love and surrender to his glory, and pray
that He may bless with His grace. It was only he who
showed us the path to God. Guru alone is worthy of our
reverence. We bathed in His grace and light and now, with
a purified, humble heart offer our prayer that his
guidance may remain with us always through the grace of
Shri Sant Ji Maharaj.
Glory to Shri Hans Ji Maharaj Ji
Glory to Shri Sant Ji Maharaj Ji
We, the Members of Divine Light Mission.
(Page ix-x)
In the annals of mankind there has always appeared a
great Spiritual Master at every critical juncture who has
saved humanity from an impending crisis. Shri Hans Ji
Maharaj, the founder of the Divine Light Mission was such
a Divine Master. His contribution to the moral and
spiritual uplift of mankind is too great to be expressed
in words. Even the scriptures try in vain to sing the
glory of a Satguru. Guru Nanak aptly said 'Sant ki Mahima
ved na Jane ...' The greatness and glory of Saints can
not be depicted even by the Vedas.
Innumerable were those who were the beneficiaries of His
grace and Holy discourses, and were endowed with
Spiritual insight. How vividly I remember the spiritual
comfort and blissful experiences that I enjoyed by His
grace and in His company. Even now his divine figure
conjures up before my mind in my lonely moments and
inspires me on to tread the path of righteousness.
He gifted me with Knowledge Divine. On the day of
Initiation, I was reborn spiritually and learnt the true
nature of the 'Self'. How simple is the knowledge. How
secret is the knowledge. Light shines in man, but how sad
it is that he gropes in darkness without the grace of a
Shri Maharaj Ji gave me the key to open the inner
recesses of my heart, a ladder to climb up to the kingdom
of Heaven, to drink the divine nectar, and to open the
third eye in order to visualise the self-effulgent light.
With this knowledge came a true understanding of the
scriptures. He solved the riddle of life for me. Life
became meaningful, a divine gift to realise Divinity.
The overall development of the individual and the inner
transformation of man's personality is only possible
through the medium of this very knowledge. Nowadays we
talk of reforming the educational system in India,
discuss about the growing indiscipline among the
students, deplore the deteriorating moral and spiritual
values, not only among the students, but in society at
large. We have made many experiments and tried many
methods to improve the tone of education, but the
confusion has become more pronounced and the problem more
problematic. To my mind the only answer to this problem
is the spiritual knowledge imparted by Shri Hans Ji
If education means the development of the child, if it
means to make all-round improvement in the child, then my
humble submission is that the knowledge of the Holy Name
and Divine Light, or spiritual knowledge, is the only
panacea for all ills. Nations become great and strong by
individuals, and individuals become great and strong by
the knowledge of the spirit. Shri Maharaj Ji's greatest
contribution in this distracted world was the
dissemination of that knowledge which disciplines the
mind and transforms the individual.
He was a realised soul who awakened the people to the
loftiest goal of life. His clarion call was, 'awake, and
stop not till the goal is reached'. Let the calmness of
the divine life be not lost to the din and noise of the
mundane life. Let the momentary gains of the world not
make man lose the gem of life. Life is more precious than
material gains. Divinity is more precious than life
itself. Let this human life be utilised for attaining
Shri Maharaj Ji eulogised the religion of spirit and
criticised institutionalised religions. Religion for Him
was realisation, and He said, 'Religion does not mean to
worship deities, to read scriptures, to take dips in the
Holy Ganges or to recite Mantras. It is an unshakeable
faith in truth and a ceaseless quest to realise it in the
innermost part of our nature.'
The outer walls between man and man created by religions
can only be shattered by the knowledge of the inner self,
or soul, which is one for all, Maharaj Ji showed the
unity and oneness of true knowledge in the diversity of
outer forms, rites and rituals of different
Maharaj Ji's life was a saga of dedication for the good
of society, the enlightenment of the individual and the
establishment of peace in the world, I take it as a
divine privilege to portray some of the aspects of his
divine personality, in whose grace I bathed and in whom I
saw divinity manifested. The subsequent articles which
make the contents of this volume are not a single man's
work. Many contributed to this volume, thus paying their
homage to their Satgurudev, who brought inner
transformation in their lives. It was not possible to add
all of them in this volume, due to the paucity of time,
but in its second edition many new articles will be
M. A. (History and Pol. Sc.)
(Page xi)
All ail unto the Guru, the Light
That was in the beginning,
Even before Time had its birth,
All hail to the Divine Spirit,
That existed in the past infinity of ages.
All hail unto the Master Spirit, who is and
Ever and ever be Truth Eternal.
(Page xii)
Make us, O Lord, worthy of this great mission.
We are but Thy humble servant, O great God.
Could we carry such light and inspiration
As to change the outlook of the whole world ?
Great is Thy mission, O Lord.
So humble are we.
But we will obey Thy commands with all our
Be thou our guide and our voice, O Lord.
Be Thou our power and Light, O Eternal Father.
May we ever abide in Thee, O Lord.

Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
(Page xiii)