This video seems to have been created to refute some of the criticisms of Prem Rawat or Maharaji that were being
aired on the internet. It contains scenes of some of his most loyal, long term followers providing a revisionist history of the
Divine Light Mission years. They mainly argue the incredible position that it was the Western followers themselves who mistakenly
associated Hindu religious and cultural traditions with Maharaji's Knowledge and were taught false ideas by Maharaji's family members
(except for Raji Ji the second youngest brother) who were conspiring to use the movement as a money making tool for their family business.
They claimed that it was the young Prem Rawat himself who realised in the 1970's that his premies were using these practises like 'darshan' where they filed past and kissed his feet
and the use of 'charanamrit' or 'Holy Water' in which they were given small, specially bottled containers of water in which Prem Rawat had washed his feet and 'Arti' where
they sang an extremely devotional song to him with some lyrics that he had written himself. Worst of all, they took
his other titles like Satguru, "Lord of The Universe" and "Perfect Master" at face value rather than as Hindu phrases that shouldn't be taken too seriously.
The video has a section dealing with the history of the Perfect Masters, a large section devoted to Maharaji's most loyal, longterm students talking of their love and devotion to him
and a large section devoted to Maharaji's most loyal, longterm students talking of the mistaken and false ideas they and other
premies had in the 1970's. There is a table available here containing links to various clips and transcipts and captured images
extracted from the Passages Video which are available in broadband 384kps (DSL) and dial-up (38kps) resolutions that are selected by topic.
"I didn't, I wasn't fascinated with the whole Indian culture, that's why when I first went to hear him
speak and I saw these women in saris, I thought, Oh I don't want to have to wear a sari! I mean do I have to do that to listen to him
and to be in this company and to receive Knowledge because I didn't want to have to do that."
Linda Pascotto, President of the Prem Rawat Foundation |
"And I remember conversations with his mother on the other end of the phone and although I didn't understand Hindi,
I mean it was easy to get the gist of it, that she wasn't too happy that he wasn't coming back and he was, I got the feeling
you know, that he realised this was something that he wanted to do." |
Glen Whitaker, one of Rawat's managers in the UK and some other devotees, talk about Rawat's marriage and
his disinheritance and disowning by his mother.
"Well I was quite shocked with everybody, ergh, I think, the feeling was, we still had that residual feeling that the
Master didn't need worldly things, you know, didn't need to get married, would always be the Master."
Well maybe Master didn't need worldly things but Glen know very well that Master wanted worldly things. |
Whitaker explains how Maharaji and his family and the early premie administrators were all deceiving
the public and the premies about the status of Rawat's family. So much for sat, chit, anand.
"It was quite challenging that this whole dust-up should happen and the harmony that had existed
in the family just broke up so easily, and it's as if his own family couldn't accept him.
Now we know now in retrospect that this had been simmering for a long time, that the famiy had always been a potential bomb,
time-bomb really ticking away, ready to explode the family situation
Maharaji himself has taught about it, that he was never properly accepted as the Master by his own family
and I knew the family, I could see what was happening, that they saw it as the family business."
I suspect that this later 'teaching' of Maharaji's is a lie. After the death of Shri Hans, everything
the family said and did proclaimed young Prem Pal as the new Perfect Master. It must have been a terrible blow to their credibility
to fire him after 8 years as Guru Maharaj Ji. If they were in it for the money they would have accomodated themselves to his marriage. |
"Then this whole thing happened and I was in between both of them, both of them,
in my heart there was one prayer to see both of them happy. That was all I could do. When I saw that was not going to happen
then I had to make my decision so it was not that easy time for Maharaji and for, you know, many of us."
Charanand formerly Mahatma Gurucharanand |
Prem Rawat's greatest disciple, Charanand, testifies that Shri Hans said
"Only the living Master after me will impart this Knowledge.... Only a living doctor can help a patient, only a living leader
can take care of the situations, problems in this country, and only a lamp that is lit can light other unlit lamps." |
"I said, 'Oh Maharaji is Maharaji, he can do anything he wants'."
The First Commandment of Rawatism: Maharaji is Maharaji, He Can Do Anything He Wants. |
"I told her that, Mata Ji your husband was married and had two wives and if Maharaji got
married which kind of rule he broken, broke, and why are you worried? Ultimately he would have to get married, sooner or later,
instead of later he got married sooner, what is the difference, what is the problem? She was really upset, really upset".
Mahatma Sampuranand
If she had not accepted her youngest son as the Perfect Master, why would she be so "really upset?" |
The surprise "Cemetery Satsang" of 1977. |
"When I first received Knowledge I was told that I needed to practise an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening
and it seemed so unrealistic. I would sit down to practise and after 20 minutes I was just .. that's about all I could do
and I didn't try hard enough you know I just kinda let it slide..."
Even some of his closest devotees such as Ms Linda Pascotto, President of the Prem Rawat Foundation
had been unable to practise meditation properly, if at all, no matter how much inspiration Prem Rawat gave her and all his premies, until 1987 when the required
daily meditation time was cut from 2 hours a day to one hour giving her and doubtless many others a glimmer of hope that she would be able to begin to meditate properly at last. |
"I had friends who lived in the ashram, um, who stopped practising when the ashrams closed. They felt betrayed, abandoned." |
"He, himself, has simplified the experience and to allow people that are coming receive it in a very direct manner
direct manner from himself where he's eliminated a lot of middle-men so to speak and just simplified it in that sense and just created
a beautiful platform to move forward on"
Janet Wallace
When she said this it was already 2001 and numbers of Rawat's followers had dropped even more during
those 15 years except in India where Hindu religious concepts were still used.
In 1998 Elan Vital organised a satellite global video hookup where followers of Rawat were able to see him and some could talk to him.
The Greeks were the smash hit of the event wth their uninhibited display of devotion.
The inspirational effect was not great enough to warrant the expense and it was not repeated.